Are Creosote Removal Products Safe for Catalytic Combustors?

We are often asked if creosote removal products are safe to use with a catalytic wood stove or if they will harm the catalytic combustor. To help answer this question, we have put together a list of creosote removal products and the manufacturer's claim regarding combustor compatibility. Some products on the list are listed as completely safe, while others are not and contain specific instructions for use with catalytic wood stoves. Our takeaway from this list is to always engage the combustor bypass when using any of these products. If your stove does not have a bypass, make sure to select a creosote remover that specifically states that it is safe to use with catalytic combustors.
Below is a list of some creosote removal products. The recommendations for each product have been pulled directly from the manufacturer's website.
Cre-Away Creosote Remover
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE WITH WOOD STOVES HAVING CATALYTIC COMBUSTORS UNLESS PUT IN BYPASS MODE. If bypass mode is not available, use ACS Anti-Creo-Soot Liquid to treat creosote buildup.
ACS Anti-Creo-Soot Creosote Remover
It’s safe for use with catalytic combustors.
Rutland Creosote Remover
Safe for use in all chimneys and wood-burning appliances. Will not damage catalytic converters.
Rutland Liquid Creosote Remover
Safe for use in all types of chimneys, fireplace inserts, wood stoves, airtight stoves, and fireplaces. Will not harm catalytic converters.
Chimney RX Creosote Remover
It is safe for fireplace soot removal and creosote removal in all wood, coal, and pellet-burning appliances including those with catalytic combustors.
Meeco's Creosote Control Firebrick
OK on catalytic convertors but must put cat on bypass (open) and leave for 1 hour after treatment.
CSL Creosote Sweeping Log
If you have a catalytic combustor, close it with the bypass and put it in the inactive position. Leave the catalytic combustor in bypass mode for 1 to 2 weeks, the duration of the treatment period. The combustor should be inspected on a regular basis, especially after burning CSL. Flakes of treated creosote may dry and fall onto the combustor.